User agreement

Necessary condition for using the distribution system «» (hereinafter - "System") is a complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this User Agreement (hereinafter - "Agreement"), concluded between the Company with limited liability "" (hereinafter - "the Company" or "we") and you (hereinafter - "the User" or "you").

Please read carefully the text of the Agreement.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, it will be deemed not concluded, and you do not have the right to register as a user in the System or use the System without registration. Terms of this Agreement shall take effect upon your expression of agreement with its terms by starting using the System and operates indefinitely.

1. The subject of the Agreement

The company offers you access to services (services) Systems on terms which are the subject of this Agreement. The Agreement may be changed by us without any prior notice. An updated version of the Agreement shall enter into force on the expiry of three (3) days from the date it is submitted, unless otherwise provided in the new version of the Agreement. Действующая редакция Соглашения всегда находится на странице по следующему веб-адресу

2. Description of services

The Company provides you an opportunity to get paid or free access to electronic versions of printed publications distributed through the System, in a format which allows online viewing on a website, or in a dedicated offline reader application, and/or download them for a fee or free, and receive other services associated with the electronic versions of printed publications. The Agreement confirms your right to non-commercial use of the acquired electronic versions of printed publications in the form of online viewing on the website or offline viewing in a dedicated offline reader

All services currently offered by the System, as well as any of their improvement and/or the addition of new services are the subject to this Agreement. You understand and agree that all services are provided "as is" and that we are not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or late delivery, deletion or failure to store any information provided in the system. In order to use the services of systems, it is necessary to have a computer and access to the Internet (WWW). All questions of acquisition of rights of access to the network, buying and installation for this appropriate hardware and software products are solved by yourself and not covered by this Agreement.

3. Registration obligations, password and security

In order to use the services of the system, you agree to provide true, accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted in the registration form, and to keep this information up to date. The accuracy and veracity of the information you provide directly affects the speed and accuracy of execution of financial transactions in the system. If you provide false information or we have serious reason to believe that the information you provide is false, inaccurate or incomplete, the Company has the right to suspend or cancel your account and refuse you to use their services (or parts thereof).

Upon completion of the registration process, you will receive a login and password to access your personal account in the system You may not transfer your registration (username and password) to a third party, and may not get it from a third party other than with the written consent of the Company. The Company assumes no responsibility for any agreements between you and third parties.

You are solely responsible for the security of your login and password and for all activities that will be done in the System under your login and password. The company has the right to prohibit the use of certain logins and/or remove them from circulation. ou agree that you shall immediately notify us of any case of unauthorized (not permitted by you) access with your username and password and / or any other breach of security, and that you always shutdown your working session yourself using the button "Exit" at the end of each working session with the services. The Company also is not responsible for any lost or corrupted data, which may occur because of your breach of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

4. The rights and obligations of the User

Your rights and responsibilities. You have the right to use the acquired electronic versions of printed publications in the form ofr viewing in a dedicated reader in any manner and for any purpose not inconsistent with the provisions of the legislation of the country of use and the Russian Federation, as well as the limitations established by the Agreement. In case of any problems with receiving the electronic versions of printed publications, you are entitled to contact our technical support. You have the right to demand the return to your personal account funds debited from him it in case of our failure to deliver the payed publication. You have the right to refuse of the service at any time.

5. Rules of Conduct. You acknowledge and agree that only the person or organization that produced all information in electronic form (content) provided on the system site and distributed through it on the terms of a general or paid access, is responsible for this information (content). The Company does not control the content of printed publications distributed via, and therefore can not accept responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of this content. You understand that by using the services of the system, you can see the content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. In no circumstances shall the Company be liable for content posted by the Company's partners in the system.

You agree that the Company is not obligated to review the content of any kind before placement, as well as the fact that the Company has the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse to post or remove any content that is available through one of the services systems. You agree that you must personally evaluate all the risks associated with the use of content, including the assessment of the reliability, completeness or usefulness of the content.

The user is forbidden to use the service systems for:

- changes, corrections and other adjustments of electronic versions of publications acquired in the System;

- dissemination by any means of electronic versions of publications acquired in the system, without prior approval from the Company;

- any commercial use of the materials published in the electronic versions of publications acquired in the system, without the consent of the copyright owner;

- reprints of publications based on the electronic versions of publications acquired in the System

- deliberate violation of local, Russian Federation or international law;

- collect and store personal data of other persons;

- malfunction of the web site of the Company;

- the use of any forms and methods of illegal representation on behalf of others in the Network;

- perform or support the actions of others, aimed at violation of the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Agreement.

6. The rights and obligations of the Company

The Company is obliged to provide you with paid or free access to view electronic versions of publications online through a dedicated reader and the ability to download the electronic versions of printed publications after you pay for this service. When you give us your feedback about problems with viewing or downloading in the electronic versions of printed publications, the Company shall take the necessary measures to address such problems. We must return to your request for a personal account you paid for the publication or subscription funds in the case of non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement on our part. The company has the right to place on the pages of your personal account and reader interface promotional information or any other information we deem necessary. Form, manner and volume of such information may change from time to time by the Company.

7. Price and Payment Agreement

Payment under the Agreement is based on the tariffs determined by the Company and published in the System. The Company may unilaterally change tariffs, notifying users by posting the relevant information on the site. Payment for services under the Agreement may be performed by the user by:

- electronic money: Yandex.Money, Webmoney (possibly, more options will be added in the future);

- credit / debit card VISA, MasterCard, American Express (through the intermediate processing center PayOnline System);

8. Termination of registration

You agree that the Company reserves the exclusive right to terminate your login and password to access any of the services of the Systems or to remove any content in case of your violation of the terms of this Agreement, or other applicable regulations.

9. Property rights and copyrights of the Company

You acknowledge and agree that the services of the System and all necessary information or content associated with them contain information that is protected by all the applicable intellectual property regulations and other Russian Federation and international laws, and content provided to you during the use of the services is protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents and other relevant laws. Except as exceptions expressly stated by the Company or its advertisers, you agree not to modify, sell, distribute this content and programs, in whole or in parts. Copyright holders for electronic versions of printed materials in PDF format and for viewing in a specialized reader are relevant copyright owners to publications.

10. The Company's liability

The company is responsible for the fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation.

The company is not liable for any losses incurred by you as a result of using the services of the System.

The Company is not responsible for interruptions in service provision in case of failure of software or hardware that do not belong to us.

The Company is not responsible for the temporary lack of access to the system associated with the replacement of equipment, software or other works caused by the need to maintain the health of the System or upgrading the technical assets.

The Company is not responsible for the security of hardware and software that you use to obtain system services.

11. Final provisions

The agreement is a binding contract between the User and the Company and governs your use of the System services by all Users.
You and the Company agree that all possible disputes concerning this Agreement shall be settled in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Your acceptance of the Agreement can not be construed as establishing between you and the Company of agency relations partnership relations on joint activity, relations of employment or any other relations, not expressly provided for in the Agreement
Court recognition of any provisions of this Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable shall not entail invalidation of other provisions of the Agreement.
Inaction by the Company in the event of a breach of the Agreement by you or other users does not preclude the Company's right to take appropriate action to protect its interests later, and the Company does not mean giving up their rights in case of subsequent similar or similar violations.